I had my glucola test, and just barely passed. But hey, a pass is a pass :) So thank goodness I don't have to take the 3 hour test, I can only imagine how yucky you would feel after 3 hours of it! Everything at our last visit (24 weeks) went just fine, strong heartbeat still & my belly is measuring right on track. We will go back at 28 weeks and have another ultrasound to check for any Down's Syndrome markers that we may have missed at the last ultrasound. I am super excited to see our little man because we haven't seen him in 9 weeks! He is still throwing the kicks, punches, and rolling all over the place. I just love watching and feeling him move around, truly an amazing gift from God! He does tend to stay lower, which means he is around my bladder almost all the time....that isn't always fun but I can do a little tap on him & thankfully he moves some!