Monday, March 14, 2011

It has been a while.....

It has been several weeks since I have last updated. I am now almost 27 weeks along (geez, it is flying so fast!) We have been working on Connor's nursery lately, we are definitley far from done. We still need to find curtains, a rug, and personalize it alot more.

I had my glucola test, and just barely passed. But hey, a pass is a pass :) So thank goodness I don't have to take the 3 hour test, I can only imagine how yucky you would feel after 3 hours of it! Everything at our last visit (24 weeks) went just fine, strong heartbeat still & my belly is measuring right on track. We will go back at 28 weeks and have another ultrasound to check for any Down's Syndrome markers that we may have missed at the last ultrasound. I am super excited to see our little man because we haven't seen him in 9 weeks! He is still throwing the kicks, punches, and rolling all over the place. I just love watching and feeling him move around, truly an amazing gift from God! He does tend to stay lower, which means he is around my bladder almost all the time....that isn't always fun but I can do a little tap on him & thankfully he moves some!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

23 weeks

How far along: 23 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: about 10 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yes please, the elastic on my jeans are way comfy!! :) I can still wear some regular shirts.

Sleep: Mostly pretty good, other than the potty trips. I seem to be able to fall back asleep after those visits now.

Best moment this week: Connor's nursery is starting to come together! Finally painted, new floors, and now furniture!!

Movement: Little man is all over the place, his kicks & punches are getting stronger. You can see my belly move now, which just amazes me!

Cravings: Groucho's, as always... I was a total piggie today, finished my Cole Special Dipper and needed another...whoopsie, we were hungry :)

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: None, and I'd like to keep it that way for quite some time please.

Belly button in or out: I still have my inney!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.

What I am looking forward to: Our little man continuing to grow to be a healthy baby, and of course meeting him!

Weekly Wisdom: Take it easy, when you start feeling tired...take a break!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ready to get the nursery rolling....

This is the bedding that we have picked out and actually ordered. It is just sitting in Connor's room while we are trying to figure out what color to paint. I was thinking about a green similar to the one on the first wall or that tan color on the other wall shown in the picture. Everyone who knows me knows that it takes me forever to make a decision and then I will second guess it! :)
All I know is I can't wait to have a cute little nursery instead of an empty guest room that I keep walking into and just staring and imagining our future!

I continue to pray that Connor is happy and growing and that I don't develop any major health issues. Also, my Dad's company recently closed without any notice so we pray that he is able to find another job quickly. Thanks for every one's support during the past week or so, it means the world to us.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Positive Quad Screening

On our last visit with the OBGYN back in December, I had blood work drawn called Quad Screening. It is optional, but is a type of screening that can detect anyone at risk of carrying a baby with Trisomy 21 (Downs Syndrome), Trisomy 18, Spina bifida, or any other developmental conditions. No matter what the results were, we decided it wouldn't change a thing but help us be more prepared. We were told it would take a few days to hear the results and they would call us regardless what the outcome was. Well, I hadn't heard anything (and honestly forgot about it at times) and as most people think no news is good news. On 1/18/11 I received that phone call, "Mrs.Crolley your quad screen showed positive for Downs Syndrome. Now I know this is scary and alot to take in a phone call but we would like to see you as soon as possible to do further testing." As I hung up the phone, tears started flowing as I called Josh to let him know we had an appointment that afternoon. I heard the concern in his voice but he reassured me that everything will be ok, we will still have a perfect little boy in our eyes regardless what happens. I love him for being so strong for me, I couldn't ask for anyone better!

I think when people dream about their baby, they imagine a perfectly healthy baby as I did. Just hearing the results was a reality check for me and I realized I needed to be strong for Connor. We had an ultrasound, our anatomy scan a week earlier since we were already there. He was a wild man, all over the place throwing punches and kicking! They checked over everything and looked for any soft markers that would indicate Down's syndrome. He had a good nasal bone, his nuchal fold measured within normal limits, he had 3 bones in his pinkie finger, his femur measured within normal limits, and his heart was not enlarged and was in normal limits also. So, Connor has no markers of Down's on the ultrasound which did not indicate we had to do further testing. An amniocentesis is always offered to confirm if he does/doesn't have Down's. Between Josh and I and Dr. Risinger we felt it wasn't worth the risks to do the amnio just to find out 100%. She did mention that since I had a positive they would monitor us a little more closer with an additional ultrasound to make sure nothing new had developed. Apparently I am now at a higher risk for gestational diabetes, preterm labor, and preeclampsia. Regardless, we will love Connor to pieces and he will always be perfect in our eyes. The good Lord has a plan for all of us, and if He feels like Josh and I are strong enough, then we are ready.
So no worries here, what is meant to happen will happen.

** I love as I type this, I am constantly feeling Connor moving all over the place :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wait...what was that?!

So we are officially 18 weeks along, and little Connor is the size of a sweet potato! Surely he is way cuter than that picture of the potato though :)

I have been feeling great, eating NONSTOP and sleeping well thanks to the "snoogle" pillow that I was able to borrow from a friend. I have reached a milestone, I can say 100% without a doubt that I have officially felt him moving around!!! I was sitting at the computer at work and thought either my cell phone or my IP phone (each were in different pockets of my scrub top that sits right on the belly) was vibrating. As I removed each from my pocket, I continued to feel this light vibration! After a few seconds, it stopped and I was amazed thinking "I just felt him move!!" Last week, I would feel little things going on in my belly but was never quite sure what it was. That little flutter, vibration feeling was the first time I felt that and knew without questioning! I have felt the same feeling several times since the other day, I notice it while I am sitting down or either lying down in bed at night. Absolutely amazing!!! I can't wait for Josh to be able to feel him moving when he touches my belly, I want him to feel this amazing miracle move!

"I would die for that"