On our last visit with the OBGYN back in December, I had blood work drawn called Quad Screening. It is optional, but is a type of screening that can detect anyone at risk of carrying a baby with Trisomy 21 (Downs Syndrome), Trisomy 18, Spina bifida, or any other developmental conditions. No matter what the results were, we decided it wouldn't change a thing but help us be more prepared. We were told it would take a few days to hear the results and they would call us regardless what the outcome was. Well, I hadn't heard anything (and honestly forgot about it at times) and as most people think no news is good news. On 1/18/11 I received that phone call, "Mrs.Crolley your quad screen showed positive for Downs Syndrome. Now I know this is scary and alot to take in a phone call but we would like to see you as soon as possible to do further testing." As I hung up the phone, tears started flowing as I called Josh to let him know we had an appointment that afternoon. I heard the concern in his voice but he reassured me that everything will be ok, we will still have a perfect little boy in our eyes regardless what happens. I love him for being so strong for me, I couldn't ask for anyone better!
I think when people dream about their baby, they imagine a perfectly healthy baby as I did. Just hearing the results was a reality check for me and I realized I needed to be strong for Connor. We had an ultrasound, our anatomy scan a week earlier since we were already there. He was a wild man, all over the place throwing punches and kicking! They checked over everything and looked for any soft markers that would indicate Down's syndrome. He had a good nasal bone, his nuchal fold measured within normal limits, he had 3 bones in his pinkie finger, his femur measured within normal limits, and his heart was not enlarged and was in normal limits also. So, Connor has no markers of Down's on the ultrasound which did not indicate we had to do further testing. An amniocentesis is always offered to confirm if he does/doesn't have Down's. Between Josh and I and Dr. Risinger we felt it wasn't worth the risks to do the amnio just to find out 100%. She did mention that since I had a positive they would monitor us a little more closer with an additional ultrasound to make sure nothing new had developed. Apparently I am now at a higher risk for gestational diabetes, preterm labor, and preeclampsia. Regardless, we will love Connor to pieces and he will always be perfect in our eyes. The good Lord has a plan for all of us, and if He feels like Josh and I are strong enough, then we are ready.
So no worries here, what is meant to happen will happen.
** I love as I type this, I am constantly feeling Connor moving all over the place :)
I don't know what to say. I see first hand what a true JOY Down's children are both at work and also with my cousin. But I'm also sad that there is a chance that your dream isn't turning out the way you planned. I know you and Josh are up to the challege if that is God's plan and I'm here if you need anything. I love you both!!