Yesterday was our 16 week appointment, no ultrasounds were scheduled. Basically we were going to hear little one's heart beat and then speak with the doctor about any questions we may have. I remembered on our first visit that you could do an *optional* sex determination ultrasound from weeks 15-18 for $75, insurance doesn't cover it. OF COURSE, I wanted to do the ultrasound!! Not only did I want to know if there was a little boy or little girl in there, but more importantly it would put my mind at ease just to see that everything was okay since the subchorionic bleed I had.
Josh and I asked our mom's to come with us, knowing they were just as anxious to see baby! Just imagine how much ultrasounds have changed since they last had one to look at their babies. As soon as we started the ultrasound, to my relief, I saw little one moving around just fine. :) He was measuring a few days ahead, heart rate of 149 bpm, and there was no sign of a subchorionic bleed anymore. WHew! The next mission was to see between those legs....which he was not having! Every time we could get a good angle, he would cover his "goods" with his hands (modest little one)! After patting on my belly, coughing, turning on my left side, using the ladies room (again), and placing me basically on my head...we were able to see our little boy! Immediately I teared up.... it was amazing to know and watch him moving around. Imagining life with a little boy, I was almost convinced we were having a girl, so I was in shock and in love all at the same time! Seeing him suck his thumb was the cutest thing I have seen, and of course Josh, my mom, and his mom loved watching that too!
So, Connor Winston Crolley will be joining this world in June and we can not wait!