Sunday, September 12, 2010

Slowly creeping..

This morning was soooo hard for me to get out of bed to head to the doctor's office! I think getting up every day of the week and having to be somewhere by 8am (work and doctor's office) is killing me! Haha... I know, I know... what do I expect when I have a baby?! That will be a little different because I won't have to get showered and dressed that early to go somewhere every day, and plus there is always nap time! :) Needless to say, I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth, and headed to the office! Nothing pretty about this morning.. ;)

So I had my E2 level done again today, and it increased to 158. Last time the 3rd blood draw was 167. So we aren't on the same track as last cycle. Dr.Moore called me and told me to increase my Follistim to 125 units since it is creeping up and come back on Tuesday for more blood work and then an ultrasound... I am excited about the ultrasound because I get to visually see what those follicles are doing rather than going off of blood work! Let's pray for great follies and great E2 levels!

Josh and I stopped by a friend's house that is going through infertility on Friday night. It really was good to be able to relate to each other about this stuff. It makes you feel not so alone when you actually know people that are going through one of the toughest things in life. I continue to pray for Heather & Kyle and fully believe they will become parents, and not just parents but GREAT parents! :) Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Your going to make me cry! Thank you for saying that we will be great parents. I know that you & Josh are going to be amazing parents as well!! Hopefully this cycle will be THE cycle for both of us & we will be able to share our pregnancy at the same time!! We are praying for you guys!! Grow follies grow!!


"I would die for that"