Well I haven't updated in a while, figured I might as well since I have nothing else to do while I sit in the hospital. We thought that I was going to sneak by the OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) but that didn't happen. Early this week I started to feel bloated but didn't think anything about it... then next thing I knew it was hard to breathe, I was swollen waaaay more than last time, very nauseated, hurt to void, couldn't stand straight, and could barely walk. So Dr.Moore did a transvaginal aspiration=no fun! Trust me, you don't want to know the details of that one, but they only do this procedure about 1-2 times a year! I had 2.5L of fluid drained from my belly and was sent home with Vicodin & Zofran. Wednesday I was feeling like a new woman, then wham it hit me again Thursday night. I was having a sleepless night and was headed to Dr. Moore's office that morning. Well I tried with all my might but I couldn't stand up for longer than a minute. I had intentions of showering (because all of you know I am a little priss pot! :) but I spent 99% of my time on the bathroom floor trying to gather enough energy to stand up. Needless to say, I was glad I had a shower Thursday evening! I was paler than I have ever seen myself and constantly dry heaving! Josh toted my hiney to the office and as soon as I walked in they were concerned about me. We did some bloodwork, then next thing I knew I was being wheeled out of the office to be admitted to Baptist hospital.
We arrived at Baptist, had an IV placed with a bolus of fluids, scheduled a paracentesis (drainage of fluid from the outside of your abdomen), and then albumin adminstered. Albumin is a protein product to help replace all the protein I was loosing from the swelling, I recieved 2 seperate infusions of that. They drained 1L of fluid from my belly, which was way more comfortable this way than the transvaginal way. After the drain I was feeling much better. I had more energy (of course from all those fluids) and I could actually breathe and walk some! Well, as the night went along I felt it was getting harder to move in the bed & my abdomen was getting sooo tight. When I finally looked at it, it was more swollen than it was yesterday before the drain! Dr. Moore came in this morning with intentions of sending me home until he took a look at my stomach. He decided he wanted to do two more doses of albumin today and then another paracentesis. He wants me to try and wait until Sunday to have it drained again and then possibley go home. So I am miserabley sitting here waiting for tomorrow for some drain relief, and praying that it will last longer than it did last time! On top of it all I developed a lovely UTI, just lovely!!
The worst part about this is that Dr.Moore can't tell me how long this will last. Everyone is different, and when my ovaries finally decided to quit producing all that fluid is when these symptoms will subside. There is no treatment for OHSS, all you can do is treat the symptoms to make you more comfortable.
I am so thankful for all our family and friends. They have been so supportive, it means the world to us. The concerns, flowers, ballons,cards,and edible arrangements put a smile in my heart! As this tough journey countinues we know that it will all be worth it! "Never said it was gonna be easy..."
We continue to pray for our little miracle!
Praying you get all better asap!!! Love ya!